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Report on Wellington Local History & Museum Society Annual General Meeting 23 March 2023

The minutes of the previous AGM, reporting on the year to 31 December 2021, were agreed. 


Chairman’s Report

Chairman Paddy Gray spoke about his highlights of the year. He said the main event had been the Map Morning, which had been held at the Community Centre and was extremely well supported.


Two years ago, Paddy expressed disappointment that there had been no school visits to the Museum. This year there have already been two and it is hoped for more. The Chairman felt that school engagement was a good way to encourage the community to visit.


Financial Report

Retiring Treasurer John Angus presented the annual accounts for the year to 31 December 2022.


Total Gross Income £2.95K

Total Expenditure £2.54K


The Museum’s Growing Collection

Curator, Colin Spackman, reported that over the last year, the Museum has continued to obtain, (by donations and purchase) more artefacts.  More space has been granted in the Town Council's storeroom to help hold the museum’s expanding collection of over 5,000 items.  


Some changes have been made to the displays – a Jubilee feature last year and a Coronation one this year.  


The “Maps and Aerial Views “display in the Community Centre attracted over 90 visitors. 


Volunteer Thank You

Thanks were given to the Wednesday group of volunteers. 


Museum Opening

Chief Steward, Gillian Taylor, reported that last year the Museum re-opening was gradual, beginning with three mornings a week with a covid protocol in place to help keep stewards and the public as safe as possible. 


This season is back to its former 5½ days opening. 


Officers and Committee Members

Officers for the coming year are Chairman Paddy Gray, Vice-Chairman Mark Lithgow, Treasurer Mike Perry and Secretary Gillian Taylor. 


The remainder of the Committee consists of John Hamer, Carole Moore, Colin Spackman, Janet Govier and Pat Dillon.  There are currently three vacancies on the Committee. 


Richard Fox was again appointed as Independent Examiner of Accounts. 


The AGM was followed by an illustrated talk from Sue Goodland of Wessex Water

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TA21 8AQ

07495 512303

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