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The Society has a number of books available to mail order. To purchase please send your order via post or email. Cheques should be made payable to: Wellington Museum Society. Hover over the titles below for more information.

The Baptist Story


A publication by South Street Baptist Church on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the present building.


Pam Marshall (1983)



plus P/P in the UK £1.00

The Howards and the Transformation of Wellington


The impact of the Howards, father and son architects, on housing in Wellington, Somerset.


 L Isaac (1993)


£2.00 plus P/P in the UK £1.00

Our Boys


Commemorates 178 men who died in the Great War, giving a short account of who they were and their connection with Wellington.


Mike Perry and Ray Hitchcock


£5.95 plus P/P in UK £1.50

Wellington Monument


A book about the history and construction of the Wellington Monument (1815 to 2000)


John Girdler (2001)


£5.00 plus  P/P in the UK £1.50

Brickmaking in Wellington


​A History of the Poole Brickworks of William Thomas & Co Ltd at Wellington, Somerset.


L Isaac and I Parrott (2002)

£5 plus P/P in the UK £1.50

Medieval Wellington


A  history of Wellington from Domesday through to the Early Modern Period.


Bruce Watkin (1999)

£7.00 plus P/P in the UK £1.50

Walter Gregory


From chemist's shop to industry leader, a history of Swallowfield PLC


Peter Gregory and Dennis Trist with additional material by John Burgess and Tony Wardell


£4.00 plus P/P in the UK £1.50

Wellington Poetry Club


A short history of the club .A3 booklet with

six sides of  text


John Neville Jarrett. 2016


£1.00 plus P/P in the UK £1.00

James Lackington


James Lackington, famous bookseller, born in Wellington.


John Hagen (2006)




plus P/P in the UK £1.00

The Old Town Hall


A history from the 1830s to the present day, through its multiple uses, for example as a corn market, to the pub/restaurant it is today, known now as "The Iron Duke"


Colin Spackman 2017


£3.50 plus P/P in the UK of £1.50

Relyon - Best in the world


"Best in the World"; a history of Price Brothers (Relyon Group from 1982) from 1858 to 2000.


John Hagen


£4.50 plus P/P in the UK £1.50



Wellington School Chapel


Compiled by David Horwood with contributions from L Isaac and J Bradnock.


£1.00 plus P/P in the UK £1.00

Fox's Mill - More than 200 Years


Fox Brothers roots were as a cottage industry in the eighteenth century and they still produce high quality cloth today for such as Savile Row.


John Hagen and Michael P Fox (2000)




Quaker Homespun


The life of Thomas Fox, serge maker and banker 1747-1821


Hubert Fox



plus P/P in the UK £1.50

Wellington and the Civil War


Murder, mutiny and the destruction of Sir John Popham's House.


Gordon Woodbury (2nd edition with additional material 2011. edited by Colin Spackman)


£2.00 plus P/P in the UK £1.00

A mini-history of Wellington School


A history of the well-known Wellington School, which took its first pupils in 1837 and continues today.


Leonard Isaac


£4.00 plus P/P in the UK £1.50

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